I will be the first to say it out loud, Covid-19 Virus is a hoax. It was created in a Wuhan China laboratory. Once it made its way out of the lab, either accidentally or intentionally, the Chinese Communist Part (CCP) knowingly and purposely covered it up. General Secretary Xi Jinping smiled at his esurient billionaire idiots in Davos while he knew his country released this virus on the world. Xi cannot deny he knew how bad it is because he had taken steps to silence everyone in his country through lock downs of entire cities and scrubbed the internet (via google) of key corona virus terms, and forced doctors to write letters denying their former warnings about the virus’ release and its dangerousness.
People are absolutely dying from this virus and those in charge are taking advantage of the panic, after they and their minions in the press created the hysteria. The numbers of dead do not remotely justify the extreme measures our untrained politicians have put in place. They shame and frighten the populace into obeying feel-good restrictions, insinuating if you disagree with their conclusions then you must want people to die. This is insulting and dangerous, comical if not so dire. The US media establishment are protecting the criminal communist party leaders of China because they hate President Trump. They are willing to harm our country in a futile attempt to get him out of the White House. This is their continuing effort after failing in their goal via the Russian Hoax, 25th Amendment proposal, and the comical leaker Impeachment circus. Now we have the robots squawking non-stop how President Trump caused the virus and every death associated with it. The politicians are in on the same unspoken conspiracy, silently biding their time. The deep state swamp dwellers of every stripe know they will lose the 2020 presidential election against Donald Trump, especially with many ways compromised Joe Biden. Where do you start with Joe Biden? Serial plagiarist, serial sexual predator, corrupt on every foreign relations initiative, and now his dementia is rapidly progressing. Biden and his accomplice family’s corruption is detailed in Peter Schweizer’s book “Profiles in Corruption” where he lays out how every member of Biden’s family has unscrupulously and possibly illegally profited from Sleepy-Joe’s political positions over decades. His family members are unqualified in multiple industries and somehow, magically get huge contracts from countries where Joe is the United States’ point man. Hunter Biden, Joe’s alcoholic, drug addict son made millions from Ukraine with a no-show job in the oil and gas industry with no experience and not speaking any foreign language. Hunter was also instrumental in getting more than one-billion dollars from China after traveling on Air Force II with his daddy when he was Vice President to Barack Obama, again in an industry where he has no experience. If you have any doubt about the animosity the press has for President Trump all you have to do is listen to the questions they ask at his daily CCP virus briefings. From the start, they have asked gotcha type, insulting questions designed to make the President react in a negative way as opposed to what the press should be doing, asking questions in order to inform the public, their purported audience. The press only cares about hurting the President and will do harm to the public without a conscience, then they will whine how Orange Man Bad hurt their feelings. Mayors (see Chicago Lightfoot) and governors (see Governors Whitmer MI & Pritzker IL) of the blue cities and states are using their fact free opinions about the science of the spread of the China virus to seize unconstitutional control over their residents, demanding they keep their businesses closed and stay inside or be fined and arrested. “You must wear a mask outside,” they say, although there is no evidence the virus can survive the sun or that it has ever been transmitted outside. There is proof it spreads easily inside where people congregate which is exactly what these totalitarian bureaucrats have mandated under force of law. They do not care about you, they only care about power and keeping power. New Jersey governor violated the 1st Amendment by arresting church members and his ludicrous response was “I wasn’t thinking about the Bill of Rights when we did this” again highlights we are on the precipice of losing all our freedoms because he is getting away with it. Hospital administrators and doctors are told make every death a covid-19 death in order to get additional reimbursement. This is an open secret. Official bureaucratic memos have been circulating for weeks detailing it and it is accepted because the models said every principle must be scrapped to combat this plague. Fraud in reporting makes it fraud in the entirety. We either have a country of laws or we shall perish as a nation. The models followed from the beginning are flawed and have been revised downward, yet, the country remains on lockdown and anyone who attempts to open a park or a business is ridiculed and shamed. Striking fear of a single death will be blamed on them. The establishment is terrified by the President because he is working non-stop for every American and he is attacked and lied about constantly and he never tires. If the President was all the things they say about him, every day and every way, then why do they have to fabricate the way they do? Look at who benefits here:
In the beginning, they convinced the President to declare a national emergency by surrounding him with Dr. Fauci et al. similar to how the experts surrounded Bush during the financial crisis of 2008 convincing him to bail out the bankers who caused the housing crisis. This new crop of experts persuaded President Trump to take extraordinary measures and each middle incomer was bribed with $1,200 and additional unemployment benefits to compensate not for the forced unemployment but really for the shredding of the Constitution and to keep them silent while they grab more power. The country has been led down the socialist path that almighty government will take care of us and many are compliant in the face of historical proof they only take care of themselves, those communist party members. They have succeeded, for now, in buying off the nation’s courage for a pittance. The good news is President Trump is not fooled any longer and he is pushing to open the country, slowly and safely. He is a great communicator and is establishing there will be deaths by reopening but we have more deaths caused by car crashes. As of today, the United states has 72,000 deaths with a population of 330 million (0.02%) which is radically less than the incorrect IHME, Gates Foundation, model of 500,000 to 2.5 million estimated. We have been tricked but we do not need to stay tricked. Do not be afraid to voice your opinion, based on your research and intelligence because your freedom depends on defending the Constitution one right at a time.
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Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |