3/24/2019 Fat Nadler lies Chris Wallace is a shill Fox News Sunday Fox News Sunday
FNS, Fox News Sunday, is disappointing viewers who go to watch "Fair and Balanced" political news reporting. But what they get from Chris Wallace is subterfuge and ugly demagoguery.
Mick Mulvaney does a yoeman's job of beating back Wallace's sophistry. Attending the ACU’s (American Conservative Union) CPAC, Conservative Political Action Conference, for the first time last week was a pleasant experience that I encourage anyone with an open mind to attend.
The conference at the Gaylord National Convention Center in National Harbor Maryland is a four day speaker event including smaller group breakout sessions where knowledgeable speakers answer limited questions. By definition, it is not a bipartisan affair and is refreshing how relaxed and open everyone I met was to speak their mind. By ACU’s statistics, 50% of attendees were 25 years old or younger and they were polite and considerate. Matt Schlapp is the chairman of ACU and put on a great event from venue to speaker selection. Well done, Matt. My only question is why did you |
March 2021
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Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |