Credit Mr. Reagan on YouTube and Patreon for this compilation. Soros is never going to stop trying to over throw our republic.
The news is not news, it is programming.
The Mueller-Bar Special Counsel Report was made public today with redactions to protect grand jury witnesses and sources and methods used by intelligence agencies.
Here are our first impressions with more to follow after diving deep into the report. President Trump, his family and campaign fully vindicated that..... Corporatist Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates is interviewed by journalist actor Bill Whitaker repeating leftist talking points about more taxation and bureaucratic meddling is good for the nation. Ray Dalio is a rent seeker whose Bridgewater Associates received $22 million subsidy from Connecticut but lies about how he should pay his fair share. |
March 2021
Articles by month
Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |