Stolen election President Biden has issued more EOs (Executive Orders) than any other President.
When President Trump issued EOs, the leftists immediately found a "judge" to rule it was unconstitutional or issue a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) to delay and outright stop the duly-elected Trump from executing his Constitutionally Protected rights as President. Where are the "conservative" judges, senators and congressman returning the favor. Biden/Obama's unconstitutional immigration EOs will destroy our Republic. In a few months, they will go after the 2A and then the game will be finished. Pray for the USA. President Trump's Twitter Archive.
Parler should be back up soon. 2020 Trump Victory over Biden - Stolen Election Investigation by CrossRoads with Joshua Philipp12/21/2020 Must watch!
Joshua Philipp has produced an amazingly detailed documentary backed up with facts, not suppositions. Obvious election fraud is purposely being ignored by Joe Biden, the establishment of both political parties and the mainstream corporate media. They are working in conjunction to demonize anyone who questions the in-your-face vote tabulation manipulation. If you accept the narrative of the statists without critical thought or investigation, you are part of the problem. Social media can only control you if you allow them to do it. 10/12/2020 – The 60-minutes puff piece on the Lincoln Project was hilarious. They are self described anti-Trumpers. They exposed how they are really money grubbing, hateful, hypocrite swamp dwellers who are the exact people that the voters wanted President Trump to get rid of. They are the sellout establishment that stops the nation from thriving. This episode’s theme was again meant to mislead the viewer to believe intelligent moderate republicans think Trump is evil and must be removed from office, not reelected. They act the role of Dissatisified REPUBLICAN purebreds. Too bad they attacked Susan Collins, Cory Gardner and other republicans who are not pro Trump.
Joe Biden's secrets are flooding out after his drug addict pampered son abandons his computer with all the incriminating evidence.
This is a must-watch documentary of how the media and the leftist obama administration lied to the nation and demonized an innocent man.
“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said, like the good racial divider he is. The prosecutor had to know there was a fake witness perjuring herself and they got away with it. Race hustler Ben Crump needs to be investigated and probably disbarred if not jailed for his role in violating George Zimmerman's civil rights. George Zimmerman is suing for hundreds of millions - he should win for what he went through. You can watch the film here, it was illegally banned from Bezos' Amazon Prime. The left cannot handle facts and opinions that point out their lies. They lie to divide us so they can control us. Look below, it says, "...this decision may not be appealed" -Frightening how the wealthiest person in the world controls what we formerly free speech Americans are allowed to say and hear. Michael Brown was the aggressor. If he had not attacked the police officer, he would not be dead today. The political media scripted Brown's accomplices' lie that he had his hands up and said "don't shoot" - Gang banger's lie was never exposed, the propaganda was too valuable to the democrat left. Hunter Biden discussed leveraging his connection to his father in a bid to boost his pay from a Ukrainian natural gas company, according to an email he sent around the time he joined the firm’s corporate board.
In a lengthy memo to his then-business partner, Devon Archer, who already sat on the Burisma board, Biden repeatedly mentioned “my guy” while apparently referring to then-Vice President Joe Biden. Under President Barack Obama, the elder Biden was the point person for US policy toward Ukraine, and he held a press conference there with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on April 22, 2014. Hunter Biden’s email to Archer is dated a little more than a week earlier. “The announcement of my guys [sic] upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thin
10/12/2020 - Watching 60-Minutes gives insight into the latest leftist strategy and tactics they think will give them their unlimited power back. Scott Pelley is an
60 Minutes is the Tell, Showing the Fear of President Trump Being Re-elected October 11, 202010/13/2020 10/12/2020 - Watching 60-Minutes gives insight into the latest leftist strategy and tactics they think will give them their unlimited power back. Scott Pelley is an
10/2/2020 Melania and President Trump test positive for CCP Wuhan virus after his counselor Hope Hicks tested positive earlier in the day after traveling with the first couple.
President Obama was the 44th President and Joe Biden was his vice president for eight years. President Trump and Mike Pence have had a successful four years in spite of the continued harassment by the media establishment and deep state actors.
Apple iTunes: I will be the first to say it out loud, Covid-19 Virus is a hoax. It was created in a Wuhan China laboratory. Once it made its way out of the lab, either accidentally or intentionally, the Chinese Communist Part (CCP) knowingly and purposely covered it up. General Secretary Xi Jinping smiled at his esurient billionaire idiots in Davos while he knew his country released this virus on the world. Xi cannot deny he knew how bad it is because he had taken steps to silence everyone in his country through lock downs of entire cities and scrubbed the internet (via google) of key corona virus terms, and forced
Barack Hussein Obama was the United States of America’s first Affirmative Action President. He had no real experience running anything or supervising anyone. He was a political prop controlled by the “Agency Consensus” deep state establishment. He was a master teleprompter reader who with the corporate
National polls show Creep-show Joe Biden as the frontrunner in the Democrat Presidential field. As of today, Joe Biden is not the Democrat frontrunner. The polls indicating he is leading the field are fake and are meant to shield Joe and his son Hunter from prosecution for criminal acts with Ukraine and China. The complete denial by the press and the Bidens of the clear conflicts of interest are proof their stealing is being exposed. These polls today are designed to influence voting behavior, not take the pulse of the voter.
The theory is this, Joe Biden is running for President because it immunizes him from prosecution or scrutiny for his conflicts of interest and out-right taxpayer “If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher” Abraham Lincoln - 1838
I have a confession: I am a straight white LIBERAL man (My pronouns are He / Him). Ahhhh. That feels good. It is out now for all to know. I make no excuses for liking women and not being sexually attracted to men. No excuses for wanting to keep what I earn. No excuses for believing it is just to keep 100% of what is given to me (gift tax is immoral). No excuses for resenting government’s mandating, by brute force, a large share in every businesses success and not sharing any risk or investment. No dead-beat silent Please stop it, finally, just stop it – Your non-stop, incessant repeating of your lies has exhausted our patience and tolerance – You cried wolf too many times. The sky was falling too often and continuously; President Trump was about to be “bomb-shelled” out of office with every fake news, no attribution leak from the Mueller team. Ultimately, even the incorrectly revered
Credit Mr. Reagan on YouTube and Patreon for this compilation. Soros is never going to stop trying to over throw our republic.
The news is not news, it is programming. ![]()
The Mueller-Bar Special Counsel Report was made public today with redactions to protect grand jury witnesses and sources and methods used by intelligence agencies.
Here are our first impressions with more to follow after diving deep into the report. President Trump, his family and campaign fully vindicated that..... Corporatist Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates is interviewed by journalist actor Bill Whitaker repeating leftist talking points about more taxation and bureaucratic meddling is good for the nation. Ray Dalio is a rent seeker whose Bridgewater Associates received $22 million subsidy from Connecticut but lies about how he should pay his fair share. 3/24/2019 Fat Nadler lies Chris Wallace is a shill Fox News Sunday Fox News Sunday
FNS, Fox News Sunday, is disappointing viewers who go to watch "Fair and Balanced" political news reporting. But what they get from Chris Wallace is subterfuge and ugly demagoguery.
Mick Mulvaney does a yoeman's job of beating back Wallace's sophistry. |
March 2021
Articles by month
Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |