Barack Hussein Obama was the United States of America’s first Affirmative Action President. He had no real experience running anything or supervising anyone. He was a political prop controlled by the “Agency Consensus” deep state establishment. He was a master teleprompter reader who with the corporate media and feckless Congress was able to institutionalize socialist anti-American and anti-competitive programs. To be American used to mean grit, hard work for an honest wage without unnecessary government intrusion.
There is no law against saying the word “n-g--r” if you are a black person. There is no law saying you can’t use the “N” word if you are any color. Yet, if you are white, you will be prosecuted and persecuted. Our legal and media establishment have for decades normalized aberration of the law, distorting the law to serve their leftist agenda. Insidiously misinterpreting laws to slowly change the application of those laws are undermining the basis of our country, we are based on law, not man. Prosecutorial discretion is used to protect Black Panther intimidation at the voting booth under Obama’s Attorney General Holder while innocent victim George Zimmerman gets prosecuted for defending himself against a violent attacker Trayvon Martin. Hate crimes are redundant. Hate speech does not and should not exist. Yet, both are pervasive if they have the right victim to serve their agenda. It has evolved from true applicaton of the law using the true facts of what the perpetrator did to an actual victim, but in this Orwellian world, all you need is a slightly aggrieved class of victim to ruin a man to further their demonic strategy for more power. Remember the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman hoax from 2012? Trayvon Martin broke Zimmerman’s nose and had him on the ground, “grounding and pounding” his head into the cement. Zimmerman had to use his legal hand gun to shoot Martin which ended up killing him. That is when NBC edited the 9-11 phone call recording that George made prior to Martin attacking him, making Zimmerman, the true victim, sound racist by editing out the dispatcher’s questions about what the suspect, Trayvon Martin, looked like. In answer to the dispatcher’s questions, George said roughly that the suspect was black. NBC edited out the questions to purposely and maliciously imply that Zimmerman, a Hispanic, was racist against blacks. The media even created a new race category for Zimmerman called “White-Hispanic” in order to perpetuate Obama’s plan to divide us by race. NBC also edited the video removing the bloody abrasions from the back of Zimmerman’s head. The media is not and has not been an independent disinterested third party objectively reporting the facts. If a white guy is attacked by a black guy and the black calls him a racial slur, there will be no prosecution for a hate crime even if the black is completely in the wrong. Same scenario only this example has the white guy defend himself against a black attacker and in the process mentions the assailants’ race, then he, the white victim gets charged with a race hate crime merely for saying some words. True story. This is not a “fighting-words” example, by the way, for those looking to argue that. Our legal system has been bastardized by political correctness to a new level that is leading to a breakdown in civil society. Whites are feeling persecuted for being white and blacks and other “minorities” are believing they are the permanently oppressed people who can act against societal norms and laws and not face the consequences. There are towns in America today where you will not be prosecuted, if you are the right color, for stealing from a store if the value of the stolen goods is under $1,000. Another true story. Affirmative Action is defined as, “A policy or program providing advantages for people of a minority group who are seen to have traditionally been discriminated against, with the aim of creating a more egalitarian society through preferential access to education, employment, health care, social welfare, etc.” Affirmative Action is racist by definition. Justice Roberts famous quote, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” From a 2007 case involving elementary and secondary schools. Racial diversity is a side effect, not a goal to be targeted for focus of results. A society flourishes when the best qualified person does a job. Color of skin is a losing proposition when your house is on fire and you need a fireman to rescue you. Nobody cares what color or sex you are when they come to carry you out to safety. God forbid the fireman on the job was hired or promoted ahead of a stronger, more qualified person because he had a darker complexion. As well, it reduces any societal healing because the minority will feel they are looked at as not deserving the position because of the assumption they were placed there ahead of the more qualified person instead of earning it by beating out the competition on a level field. And those unjustly passed over for that position rightly do question why that person got their position only because they have more pigmentation. They are both correct and the wrong-headed leftist desire to create equality of outcomes has failed entirely. There are many documented examples in every Affirmative Action program from municipalities to schools where less qualified individuals shamefully take what someone else deserved for the pigment of their skin which nobody can control. If the nation is trying to make amends for our original sin, slavery, then why are Hispanics given preferential treatment under affirmative action? Why are Asians discriminated by the system? Political gain is the answer. Politicians get votes and campaign donations from white liberal “guilters” and the Hispanic powerful lobby. Racial groups, made up of individuals, do not hold identical uniform views. To hold that our society and institutions need racial diversity as a goal and is beneficial is itself racist, declaring openly that if you are black, you believe and behave a certain way and that all have been harmed. It is unconstitutional to give preference to a new black citizen from Africa over a new white citizen from Ireland because of the slavery that ended more than 150 years ago but our current system does do exactly that. Yet, we have set-a-sides and preferential programs built into every level of our legal and societal systems. If we refuse to enforce laws, are they laws? Eventually all our laws will be reduced to suggestions. When will it finally end? 14th Amendment – states, “no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” Does the equal protection clause allow for good or beneficial discrimination? The Constitution as written is color blind but the Supreme Court justices over the last few decades are not and have been acting from a political ideology rather than from a legal perspective. Clarence Thomas has said, the Constitution protects the individual, not groups. While a group historically had suffered discrimination, it is not Constitutional to discriminate in favor of an individual who has the markings of that group, who did not suffer any discrimination himself. The slow drip of these ideals being instituted in our society has brainwashed the victims of these mal-administrations to suffer Stockholm Syndrome to believe they are bad because of the white color of their skin. Not all, but far too many have been beaten into submission instead of using their brains to reject it and stand up for their God given rights. They take the tact, “It is easier to stay silent and get taken advantage of than to take a stand for their rights and get in the cross hairs of the fascist establishment. This is about unfairness in the system today, not an argument about slavery. Slavery was around since the beginning of time and yet today we are lead to believe only the United States had the sin of slavery. Today we have race hustlers who get power and riches from keeping the nation divided when in reality, overall, we have a happy loving country who gets along with each other fantastically. Do not believe the media hype, dig deep into your intuition and experience and enjoy all the wonders of the USA.
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Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |