Socialism has never worked in any society. Today’s socialist purveyors claim the old socialism did not go far enough or wasn’t the right kind of socialism. Now we have something called Democratic Socialism, which is the work-shopped moniker to fool the naive into thinking it is something we voted on and is the legitimate norm of functional societies. We didn’t vote for it and it is not legitimate, it is about stealing power and control by the leftist democrats.
Socialism is defined as, “an economic and political system based on government or collective ownership of the means of production and distribution, which emphasizes equality rather than achievement.” The term socialism has been incorporated into everything requiring ever-moving subjective fairness to justify equality of outcomes instead of equality of opportunity. Human nature dictates socialism cannot work because humans are self-serving and self interested at our core. We have been selfish in the sense we had to be to survive. Community control worked when small collections of people banded together for protection but when the group got to a certain size, the good of the “All” becomes detrimental to the individual for a number of reasons. The first reason is someone has to be in charge and that person has human failings, we all do. Those closest to the leader will naturally get a little more food or less of the work. As the society gets progressively larger, delegation of authority by the leader goes to associates friendly toward him who are also humanly self-serving doling out favors and appointments to their friends and family, ad infinitum. And why wouldn’t they give plumb jobs and positions of authority to those they know they can control, trust and possibly love - Human nature, right? The second reason is related to the first in that humans intuitively understand the objective fairness principle, which is quantity of effort keeps the corresponding benefits. The individual must voluntarily agree to give away (contribute) the fruits of their efforts to others or the effort stops and he resents his master. Resentments of the other develop from every side, perfectly illustrated by the United State’s Federal income tax rates. Democrat politicians resent and demonize the successful by attacking them for not paying their fair share (who decides fair share?) all the while the top 20% of earners pay 90% of income taxes (Annual income of $145,000 and up). Another dirty little secret it that it probably includes you in that group. Do you resent the other? B. Obama was a slick-talking, teleprompter reading socialist who openly said of successful business people, “You didn’t build that” and he was serious. His eight years were riddled with equality of outcomes not equality of opportunities. His fairness included stealing from you through taxation to give to his base. A wealthy person is better off keeping his mouth shut than becoming a target of the left by speaking truth to defend themselves, hoping to not be noticed. It is a sad state of a formerly free society. It is not enough to shame or dominate a person to do more work to keep less of the benefit for socialism to work and that is why Fabian socialism (patient slow revolution) is rebranded as democratic socialism. Human nature and individuality are the problems with socialism. Someone has to run the show but so far there is no objective deity to equally measure out the fair amount of work, determine who should or want to do whatever work and to distribute the benefits of that effort to the people. Until this deity comes to us, the results are resentments and a stifling all of society. The only community of people that could be considered socialist that works outside of the nuclear family is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA is a mutual aid fellowship whose purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Is this socialism? Yes! The means of production voluntarily worked and distribution is freely given to all, one to one (sponsor & sponsee), to further a common and agreed upon goal of the society. By helping others, the individual stays sober himself. This is an altruistic group of men and women who to successfully stay sober must be constantly thinking of others and how they can help them. This is not an economic society and that is why it works. There is no profit motive and the only thing produced is a mutual benefit to all parties, sobriety. Not so in a socialist economy, the goal is not to help others, the goal is to produce what the government (group of other ruling people) tells the citizens to make, how to make it, and distributing it according to the leader’s whims. The individual is irrelevant. These leaders are incapable of being experts on every aspect of society and have no place making decisions about supply and demand basics in any economy. Everything is free but you can’t get what you want because the market economy is replaced with the not-so-expert planners playing God for millions of individuals with individual wants and needs. In AA the funding is provided on a voluntary basis and has worked out to be the same $1 for all members regardless of their income or wealth. The meetings are “self supporting, declining outside contributions.” There are no presidents or leaders, only trusted servants with term limits who serve others and not themselves. “Free everything and the other guy will pay for it” is the mantra of the Regressive Democrat party in the United States. Playing Santa Clause with taxpayer money is the easiest way to win political power via buying votes to win elections. The Democrat party has mastered it at the local level in Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia with catastrophic results. The politicians get elected and reelected while the city’s infrastructure and debt ratings crumble. Chicago has $130 BILLION in unfunded pension liabilities on top of the annual budget shortfalls, according to Moody’s. That means each household is liable for $125,000 in pension debt and the number grows every day. These pensions are for life; they are defined benefit, and not defined contribution pensions you get in the private sector. Chicago is losing population year after year resulting in higher real estate taxes and fees across the board needed to feed the insatiable beast. Since the left is all about fairness and equality of outcomes, how do they justify taking more and more from the private sector workers to pay for the ever-increasing pensions of government workers? The truth is the democrats lie to you; they don’t care as long as they are in power. Increasing real estate taxes, state income taxes, and sales taxes are maxing out people’s patience and affordability so the establishment borrows the funds (bond offerings) on future taxpayer’s behalf without the consent of the taxpayer. Here is how it works: Step 1, Tax until it will affect your reelection. Step 2, Borrow to pay for the increasing pension and budget shortfalls. Step 3, Borrow even more to refinance the original bonds you couldn’t pay back now because you keep spending and growing government. Step 4, If possible sell off city assets like airports and parking meters. Step 5, Blame greedy republican capitalism when the bill comes due. For years, the elected were able to continue this scam by replacing today’s taxes with tomorrow’s bond debt payments. We are numbed to the bond debt because most people don’t pay attention to numbers that don’t directly affect their pocketbooks today. They keep borrowing to pay off current liabilities and refinance old debt at higher interest rates. The higher rates are necessary because the bond rating agencies have decreased the city and state ratings to junk in many cases. Very soon, these municipalities will not be able to get financing at any interest rate. Goodbye to social services, payroll, vendor payments and basic services. See Detroit bankruptcy for a road map. There is no limit on government spending at any level of government with no real accountably. Between the propaganda arm of the democrat party CNN, NBC and the hysterical leftist voter, Bernie Sanders and his ilk have been ludicrously making progress demonizing the rich for not paying their “fair share.” The Declaration of Independence states, “All men are created equal” meaning we are all equal in our opportunities to thrive or fail. It does not mean we have the right to all have the fruits of success others toiled for and earned. In a society of more that 327 million people, socialism cannot and does not work. We have a representative republic that has been subverted into a socialist sometimes-fascist neo-democracy. If a vocal group gets loud enough, the elected representatives cave to the politically correct mob and ignore the Constitution. B. Obama was allowed to shred the separation of powers because Congress was afraid to be accused of being racist. Socialism is about power and control of the masses. The United States Constitution is about limited government control of the individual. President Trump was elected to redirect the ship of state and the establishment-bloated bureaucracy is corruptly fighting him. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is ignorant about everything including her own platform on which she is running. She is the young upstart bartender who startled the establishment Congressman Crowley in New Jersey’s democrat primary. She is unable to answer basic questions her complicit interviewers spoon-feed her. She answers not in coherent sentences but in word salads, unconnected regressive keywords, spoken in a sing song-y tone. She is the media darling of the left in a gerrymandered district without a real challenger. B. Obama has come out of hiding to endorse her, lending credibility to their meek base. She is a Bernie Sanders acolyte who should be laughed off the political stage. The numbers do not lie, socialism is unaffordable to the point where CNN surprisingly pointed out to Cortez that her Medicare for all plan would be $38 TRILLION and she has no way to pay for it. More word salad. President Trump is fighting the peaceful revolution and the democrat fascists are fighting an increasingly violent revolution because they lost the election and are out of options. The left is desperate and the clear solution for all of us to come together is to get back the constitutional principles the founders wrote. Let the individual be the individual and let them thrive or fail on their own without choosing winners and losers. Stop interfering with God given liberty.
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Author: Over-consumers of coffee and fed up with Regressive controlled media, we decided to combat Goliath left with words of our own. Constitutionalist Conservative trying to educate the masses about the rule of law and the establishment's abuse of power. |